The recipe file index is in Tea.for.Two. A translation of food names from English to Japanese is found in food.names.

Recipes are found in the following blogspot sites: (1) appetizers.&.snacks, (2) beef, (3) beverages.&.drinks
(4) breads.&.muffins, (5) casseroles.&.stews (6), (7) cups.of.tea, (8) eggs.&.cheese,
(9) fish.&.seafood, (10) fruit, (11), (12) pasta.&.noodles, (13) pork, (14) poultry, (15) rice,
(16), (17) soups.&.salads, (18) sweets.&.treats, (19) tofu, (20) vegetables.

Lastly, cooking and household tips are in this-n-that.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Salata de icre (spawn salad)

From the kitchen of Dorina

Roe Spawn (carp fish eggs)
1 boiled potato
1 onion
lemon juice

Boil the potato and let it cool. Mash the potato and add the spawn! Add some lemon juice and a little water until it becomes creamy.

Add oil and mix with the mixer) until the quantities grow. From time to time, add lemon juice (but not too much because it will be become too sour). When it is finished, add the onion that has been chopped fine.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Fish baked in foil

1 piece of foil per serving
cut the fish filet into serving pieces (1 piece/person)

chop or dice all of your vegetables small
you can use carrots, potatoes, celery, onions, turnip
lemon slices - thin

Heat 3 tbsp some white wine with 1 tbsp lemon juice to boiling (to
remove the alcohol and it keeps the flavor of the wine) per serving
1 tsp of butter or olive oil per serving serving

Place foil on a tray and make it into a well to keep the liquid from
coming out.
Add vegetables to the foil. Place fish on top of vegetables.
Pour lemon and wine mixture. Add the butter or oil to the top.
Top with 2-3 pieces of lemon slices with rind.
Fold up the foil to trap in the liquid and secure tightly by pressing
edges together while folding.Carefully move it to the baking tray...

Bake in a 350F oven for 30 minutes.

Add a toss salad as the starter...
Serve fish hot in the foil... one serving per person.
Serve with rice, 1 cup cooked/person.

This is a favorite in Japan... a really easy recipe.
You can use any type of white fish or salmon.
Some people like soy sauce as a seasoning on this... I prefer lots of lemon...